Get More Views. Increase Engagement.

Connect Deeper with Your Ideal Audience.


"You are the best short-form storyteller I have ever seen." - Russell Brunson

Join our Creator Mastermind

Get More Views. Increase Engagement.

Connect Deeper with Your Ideal Audience.


"You are the best short-form storyteller I have ever seen." - Russell Brunson

Join our Creator Mastermind

I took my videos from this>>

(few hundred views, little engagement)

I spent years making videos that sucked. No, really—hundreds of videos.

One year ago, I figured out exactly what I was doing wrong.

I didn’t understand structure, format, or how to loop all my ideas together in a way that was not only interesting but also stood out from everyone else.

I took my videos from this

(few hundred views, little engagement)

I spent years making videos that sucked. No, really—hundreds of videos.

One year ago, I figured out exactly what I was doing wrong.

I didn’t understand structure, format, or how to loop all my ideas together in a way that was not only interesting but also stood out from everyone else.


(Tens of Thousands of views, insane engagement)

I started scripting, understanding hooks, and implementing small things to build retention. I also started taking my videos seriously.

It started with getting more views and engagement, then getting comments (and follows) from people I admired, and eventually being invited to speak.

All because I stopped posting just anything and started telling stories—the right way.


(Tens of Thousands of views, insane engagement)

I started scripting, understanding hooks, and implementing small things to build retention. I also started taking my videos seriously.

It started with getting more views and engagement, then getting comments (and follows) from people I admired, and eventually being invited to speak.

All because I stopped posting just anything and started telling stories—the right way.

...and the results?

Implementing these changes to my videos resulted in:


Most importantly: a new, engaged community that I wouldn't trade for the world. They are LITERALLY 'my people' and the exact folks I've been trying to attract for years.

It's not about 'followers'; it's about making real connections, with real opportunities, and real impact."

Wanna learn how to do the same?

Join our 6-week cohort: 

Short-Form Storytelling
(For Reels)

6-week LIVE cohort where you will learn proven techniques for hooking your ideal audience, boosting engagement, and making your content stand out from the rest.









Join Us

I want to help you shortcut the frustration of making hundreds of videos that don’t work (like mine) and uncover a format that WORKS and brings opportunities your way.

Join Us in September

What You Will Learn:

Increase views and retention through storytelling techniques, learn how to gather unique ideas and pair them together to boost viewer engagement, and make your content stand out.


  • My Ideation Process: How to stay organized with a million ideas and not "lose" them.
  • How to Write Compelling Stories: Develop great hooks, write with retention in mind, and end your videos effectively to create an emotional impact.
  • Shooting Tips: How to make things look professional without all the professional gear.
  • Editing Techniques: The non-negotiables (and the things you can let go of).
  • How to Measure Success and Make Adjustments: Measuring “success” and using data/feedback to adjust.

3 options to join us.

Recording Only



✓ Access to ALL live calls with the opportunity to ask questions live.

✓ Granted 6-month's access to ALL replays of our live calls



Live Access



✓ Access to ALL live calls with the opportunity to ask questions live.

✓ Granted 6-month's access to ALL replays of our live calls

✓ Access to Private Community for Mid-Week Support



VIP Status



✓ Access to ALL live calls with the opportunity to ask questions live.

✓ Granted 6-month's access to ALL replays of our live calls

 ✓ Access to Private Community for Mid-Week Support

✓ (1) 45-minute Private Coaching Call with Heather to answer your specific questions about your content





Two Call Options:

  • Tuesdays at 10 a.m. EST (for 90 minutes)
  • Thursdays at 8 p.m. EST (for 90 minutes)

*You can join one call or both. The same lesson will be repeated in both.

Call Structure: There will be a 45-minute presentation going over that week's lesson. We will then have a 45-minute Q&A where you will have the opportunity to ask for feedback on your videos, and scripts, or ask questions about the content.

Join Us!


Your Host

Heather is a mental health therapist turned online entrepreneur where she helps outside the box leaders bring their services online in order to scale their impact . She has hosted multiple top ranking shows and conducted over a thousand interviews to date. She has been featured in Forbes, Pop-Sugar, and most importantly the front of her mom’s refrigerator. Connect with Heather at

Great Questions:

(Have a great question not mentioned here? Send me an email)

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