Finish your creative project in 111 days

(and share it with the world)


Join this 111-day challenge and finally FINISH that creative project of yours that you have put on the back burner.

I am going to light a fire under your cute booty and center my content over the summer to help YOU ship.your.work.

Whether you are wanting to:

  • Finish a novel, memoir, or screenplay.
  • Create a short film, animation, or video.
  • Develop a mobile app, game, or software program.
  • Design and launch a website, blog, or online store.
  • Paint a series of artworks, create a portfolio, or exhibit your art.
  • Record and produce an album, EP, or podcast.
    Sew a clothing line, fashion accessories, or costumes.
  • Build and launch a product prototype, gadget, or invention.
  • Learn and master a new skill or craft, such as woodworking, pottery, or calligraphy.

We are going to lock arms with you and together FINISH your creative project.

Cool Heather, but what's in this for you?

Content. I want to make podcasts and reels over the summer about specific creative roadblocks people face and bring together my community to finish something really cool that we can all look at together and say, "Hey, we made that."

I need case studies and stories, and this is a fun way to make my show very specific, create educational reels, and meet cool new people. For those of you who are shy, don't worry -- you can remain anonymous when participating.

Sign UP Here. Completely free.


Want to submit a question about your creative project?

Leave us a voice clip here (be specific!) and we will find a guest who will come on the show and help mentor you! (yes, for real!)